I'm Dmytrii
HTML Coder

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I am Dmytrii Beresten

I like to create adaptive websites and learn web development. I like working with the visual part of the site. I try to plan my work process as effectively as possible. Ready to learn and develop.


Profesional Skills

I use the BEM methodology. I can work in the Git version control system. I check my work through Pixel Perfect. I make layout from Figma models. I use semantic layout. I use Gulp when creating websites.




What do I usually do?

I get a layout from the designer, export the layers, pictures, logos, fonts. I mark up the elements on the page using HTML, give them a look in CSS that is as close to the layout as possible. I use the PixelPerfect plugin to compare the design of the page with its layout. Then I make the pages adaptive for mobile devices if needed. I optimize the site speed of loading. I can write simple JavaScript code. Then I test the site for crossbrowsing.

I have an eagle eye, a good reaction like a boxer, a sense of beauty like Leonardo da Vinci, and patience of a saint. I need all these skills to determine the time I'll spend on the future project, to define the accuracy of matching with the layout and requirements. I can switch between many projects, know my code by heart, and know all the fonts like the back of my hand.

My work on a project usually consists of the following tasks:

  • - receiving a layout from the designer
  • - clarifying of needed points
  • - writing of code
  • - testing the page in different browsers, and on different devices according to the requirements
  • - editing.

I've chosen the profession of an HTML coder because this is, in fact, the first step to web development, and to the next levels.

I tried to code, and I really liked how the code I wrote turns into something beautiful and dynamic in the browser. It is relatively simple, interesting, this area is alive and it's developing.

It's a very versatile profession because you have to be interested in a lot of related areas besides code: design (typography, color combinations, grids, etc.), graphics, network, animations, performance. Also human factors like color blindness and how a visually impaired person uses a computer.

HTML coding is a puzzle, a constant process of developing - there is no limits, there is always room to grow. In this profession, my perfectionism is absolutely justified.

I love what I do! ♥